Consulting and project support for public organizations

Consulting and project support for public organizations
Consulting and project support for public organizations (government, international organizations, etc.)
As times change, various factors such as the declining birthrate and aging population, environmental problems and the emergence of cutting-edge technologies are all driving new demands on the areas that public institutions, such as government offices and international organizations, must tackle.
At the same time, in order to be a government and public organization that is trusted by the public, it is important to further improve operational efficiency and add new value in order to maximize the power and results of the organization while enhancing transparency and governance.
Based on 20 years of professional experience with international organizations, governments and public agencies, CIC will respond flexibly to project needs and provide the following types of project support:

- PolicyFormulation
- Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration
- Social Issue Resolution
- Digital Government
- International Development
1)Support for policy-making research
As the world changes rapidly with globalization and the advent of leading-edge technologies, it is becoming increasingly important to understand the social situation objectively and accurately.
CIC supports various surveys and analyses necessary for policy formulation and decision making by utilizing various expert networks such as universities, international organizations and think tanks in Europe, the United States and Japan.
2) Research and project support for industry-academia-government collaboration
Collaboration between the government and the government, academic institutions and companies is essential for further productivity improvement and economic growth. In such collaboration, we support the establishment and implementation of a framework and mechanism for collaborative research and management of industry-academia-government partners, which enables various stakeholders to build win-win relationships.
[Purpose and Benefits of Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration]
In recent years, many of leading global companies (such as Toyota) have been actively promoting projects with the government and academic institutions in Japan and overseas. Japanese companies have an increasing need for overseas partner searches and selection in the form of industry-academia-government collaboration.
The objectives and benefits of industry-academia-government collaboration can be considered as follows:
Strengthen competitiveness in original research fields, technologies and products through joint research:
- While a single research result conducted in a limited scope may not lead to practical application, a combination of joint research results may.
- An effective way for companies to strengthen their competitiveness is clarifying the areas to be strengthened and then obtaining collaboration and expertise from the government, universities and public research institutes.
- For academic institutions, such as the government and universities, innovation can be promoted by taking advantage of the abundant resources of companies to actively engage in innovative research fields that they cannot tackle themselves due to human resources and budget constraints.
- These collaborations are particularly effective in the rapidly changing field of cutting-edge industry.
Examples of Joint Development through Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration

Maximum use of national and university facilities:
- Companies can start joint research and technology development at a lower cost than before, while using facilities and environments such as those of the government and universities.
- The government, universities and other academic institutions can use their facilities and networks to expand a state-of-the-art research environment.
Secure and develop experts:
- Individualized partnerships with the government and universities can increase the interest and credibility of companies and help build relationships with citizens.
- For universities will have the opportunity to attract and develop new targets of students interested in a specific area of expertise.
Increasing public trust and interest:
- Individualized partnerships with the government and universities can increase the interest and credibility of companies and help build relationships with citizens.
- For universities will have the opportunity to attract and develop new targets of students interested in a specific area of expertise.
- The various efforts made by industry, academia and government can be an opportunity to increase public trust and interest in the country and universities.
- Depending on the results and content of the partnership, the initiative could raise the credibility of companies, indirectly raising consumer awareness of purchasing and stimulating the economy.
Networking with experts and academic institutions:
- The experience and network in joint research and development acquired through industry-academia-government collaboration will be a great asset that can be utilized in the long term for subsequent studies and activities of countries, companies and universities.
Expand opportunities to contribute to society and community:
- Through industry-academia-government collaboration, opportunities for effective contributions to society and the local community will expand, which can serve as an opportunity for companies to fulfill their social responsibilities. Furthermore, such social evaluations of the company will become future corporate assets.
3) Research and project support for solving social issues
Efforts to resolve social issues, such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted at the United Nations Summit in 2015, are becoming increasingly important in various organizations, including international organizations, governments, companies, NGOs/NPOs and educational and research institutions.
To address these issues, we support efforts to effectively and sustainably create social impact.
4) Research and project support related to digital government
In Europe and the United States, central and local governments are implementing e-government and digital government. For example, here in Washington, D.C., corporate registration can be completed online in as little as two days, and all annual reports and fee payments can be resolved online in an instant.
With the advent of the digital age, digital government has become an unavoidable theme worldwide. From model cases of domestic and overseas government services, which are essential for realizing digital government, and based on domestic and overseas best practices, CIC offers various proposals and support from a neutral standpoint that does not depend on specific solutions or products.
5) Research and project support for international development
Based on its advanced expertise in international legal framework (e.g., trade agreements, business laws and regulations) and investment environment, and its extensive work experience with international organizations, governments, public agencies, the private sector and NPOs, CIC provides relevant research and project support on development issues in emerging and developing countries.
Examples of project support for public institutions
Various problems are likely to arise especially in collaboration with public institutions or in the industry-academia-government collaboration across countries. Based on extensive work experience with international organizations, governments and public agencies, CIC provides hands-on project support according to needs.
Here are some examples of public sector support that CIC has provided (the content is generalized to respect confidentiality agreements):
- Help government-to-business(G2B) process optimization, working with a wide range of stakeholders
- Help formulate global consortiums for industry-academia-government collaboration (with members of more than 10 countries)
- Draft speeches for ministers and other high-level government officials. Also, prepare meeting materials for high-level talks.
- Help governments formulate international trade negotiation strategies
- Help governments conduct operational and organizational reforms
- Prepare reports for international organizations on the investment climate and business environment in developing countries
- Prepare presentations for international conferences of international organizations, government agencies, etc.
- Help the development agency draft the report on the automobile industry in the region